segunda-feira, 22 de maio de 2023

A month and a half

 Honestly, everything started way before the video, but that's, I guess, a story for another day. 

Getting something so "intrinsic" to my life off my chest was a necessity. And I know that putting out in three minutes on Tiktok could be seen as strategic but it was honestly out of desperation. 

I had already created the courage to start mentioning the cult on social media about a year prior. When I was testing the tiktok waters when bored in my boyfriends apartment, mostly going through sillytrends and ances, that could get my a couple thousand views at a time, probably for being white and a red head. A little "gringa"looking. But I came across a audio Bailey Sarian had talking about some cult, I actually don't know which one. But I posted it and shared the video to my Instagram page. And that alone caused a couple main characters to come out of the wood works. One being my father saying he could loose his job for me using the word "cult" for people don't understand and it can make us look bad.  And of course I fought it, but also, got quieter. Fighting my parents on this wasn't anything I EVER wanted. Believe me. And if you don't, I'm sure anyone who knows me can attest to that. But that's all to say, I had talked about it before. So, over the next year I sat down with my parents on two separate occasions to say what I've been saying this whole time. I want to work with music. And I want that to be a public person job. I am willing to work through the issues that can come from that, because I will not be a public person and lie about my life. So, I will be talking about my life, and everything that happened, and I will put it in my music, and I will be honest, cause that's what's healthy for me. People are going to say whatever they want to say about me and I would like you (mom and dad ) to remember who I am. This girl sitting in front of you who is a hardworking, kind, intelligent, empathetic, loving, respectful, admirable woman. And I am still going to be that person, no matter what.  It felt good to stand up for myself and voice in detail what was going through my heart and mind for so long. But, they're gonna be, who they choose to be. And the rest of their involvement still needs to be, a story for another day. 

So posting day arrived and God knows I had no idea it would be posting day. It was about week two since I had decided I needed to move out, and had informed my parents in the most awkward way, since I didn't want their involvement and let them know strictly for practical reasons. And I sat on that matress on the floor, loading myself up with water cause that one fan was definitely not enough to keep the heat out in that empty room and Ali really did deserve to have it directly on him as he sweat on his prized possession red and black gamer chair, but he obviously directed it at me, cause it was routine that i lay depressed there all day, and sometimes without being able to express what was happening and sometimes word vomiting so much information onto him he would need a minute for work to breathe, which would in turn  make me feel guilty for getting in the way of his work, and well, this all sucked. Thankfully, we are who we are and we are a great couple. And it had to be this way. 

As I'm writing this he is currently singing and working in the next room of my apartment, and what i had planned to be a great hardworking focused type Monday, but it is almost 6pm and i haven't been able to function or even be in sunlight, makes me very frustrated. But reminds me once again that I am loved, and I try once again to accept I deserve this love. I am worthy. 

Back to posting.... I was just there, existing. And started having a harder time breathing... this has become common now but right then, it was the first step, it was the first push, it was my body telling me i couldn't hold it in any longer and i needed to speak up to whoever would listen. And i honestly wanted to call any therapist to yell at her for a while, but then the thought of having to pay and not having the money would creep in and terrify me and get me to a way worse overwhelmed state of mind. So I picked up my bag of make up, and convinced myself I could do a get-ready-with-me. Oh wait, yeah... so, I skipped a step. 

After the Bailey Sarian video the year before, and the conversations.... and me leaving the house without letting them know my plans, I reposted that video. And got a slew of messages I have never read, but i screenshot and sent to all my friends, who also said i shouldn't read it. And i guess that's where i declared war. I also got so many support messages and people curious and interested. Which is definitely something that contributed to my interest in going the social media route. And one girl very curiously, wrote me saying she would love to know more and that i should do a GRWM which has been very popular all over these short video and edited content is posted. My inicial plan had always been youtube.... after posting something post the Bailey Sarian audio the year before, I was focused on making this into a youtube series where I could calmly and thoroughly explain what, who, where, why, how.... all the questions. 

This even came up on my birthday party, when i was able to talk to my best friend with more time and space and she said i should go ahead. And she supported me. And even though she wouldn't care at all about the reasons why, i did express them in intense enthusiasm, and how i was feeling suffocated and i didn't want to step into releasing my music and being a public artist again without speaking my truth. Of course she was on board. But was also really shocked when the video came out. She didn't know it was coming out. No one knew it was coming out. I didn't know. 

So I took my make up bag to the living room and thought i needed a mirror, so i pulled the mirror off the bathroom wall and hung in on the kitchen counter. And just stared at myself. And i started crying.... I had been trying to hold back tears for months. But that would just make me randomly cry and always made the situations more difficult. I've been very close to completely breaking down, many many times. So much goes through my mind. 

I opened tiktok. Changed the position of the camera a couple times, ended up with the frontal one opened. Practied my smile, a couple times. Then hit record. My stomach turned and everything in my started shaking, and i felt like a child. Like a scared little girl, trying to get a grip of where she is, who she is, and why we're here. I felt lost in a dark room and my body was reacting intensely. So I said all i wanted to say. I tried to make sense of the basic facts so i wouldn't have to deal with the discrepancy reactions being the main issue, when i had a really intense topic to bring up. The internet still brings sucky people so even though facts are facts, a lot of people want to refute it and make me look crazy. I'm supposed to not only know this comes with the territory, which is easy, but also know how to emotionally handle it, which is fucking hard. I love therapy. And so I added the automatic subtitles and fixed the names, and other details  and posted it. Walked back into my boyfriends room and went back to my position on the matress.

It took me a couple minutes but then i told him, and when i told him, things started happening. All these messages started flooding in. From people I knew, and others that i didn't. So many angry family members because now I had ruined everyone's lives and reputations, their jobs and livelihoods would be at stake, and I could even be hunted down by the Federal Police for lying. It was intense. And overwhelming, and the intense gaslighting that went on during the next days definitely created a new scar in my heart. It was so disheartening to read all I read, and I know I shouldn't have, but I'm pretty sure you would if you were in my shoes. I'm a people pleaser, I'm a family oriented girl, I have done countless things and fought for me countless times without disrespecting anyone. Without being abusive to anyone. And I have loved and respected all those who treated me poorly during this time. And i still do. But no one had the guts to love and respect me. Well, I'm sure some did, in their own way. But in general, it was a sad moment. To bury a lot that i loved, to finally BEGIN to release all the hurt and heartache. 

And that's honestly how I'm physically and mentally feeling now. Hurt, and Sick. With so much fear. I'm nauseated and fearful. I'm shaking and fearful. I'm overwhelmed and fearful. I'm tired and fearful. 

And you wouldn't think it was this hard by what I offer externally, daily. But I am sad, terribly sad. And so overwhelmed and tired. So hurt and upset. And I haven't even begun to express my anger, an anger that consumes me sometimes. And that's just where I'm at. I'm getting all the type of generic advice, and believing i can make more of it, but I'm doing all the right things to do. And still, it just sucks. I'm grateful, but it sucks. 

segunda-feira, 16 de maio de 2016


Cheguei a conclusão que preciso pôr esses pensamentos no papel.
Mas escrever tudo a mão da uma fadiga ( acostume-se com essa palavra... uso demais.) e estamos no século 21 então vou escrever neste blog. Como sobrevivi (e vivi) até os 21 anos de idade. Foi um árduo processo chegar a esta maioridade internacional com todos meus ossos intactos e meus pensamentos semi-organizados. Pelo menos bem o suficiente pra comemorar que, CHEGUEI!
Sou estudante de psicologia, cantora, filha mimada, amiga bruta porém presente, amante dedicada, sou carinhosa, desbocada, patricinha, amoooo dançar, sou envergonhada, indecisa, dependente de seres humanos. Acho que isso resume bem. Claro que tenho as manias tradicionais de uma moça ( odeio essa palavra ) de 21 anos. Sou viciada no meu celular, porém tenho muita preguiça de compartilhar todos meus pensamentos através de postagens aleatórias no facebook. Não tenho twitter, já entrei e sai do tinder, mas amooo instagram. Viciada. Queria um fotógrafo na minha vida pra tirar fotos lindas de todas as coisas comuns que eu faço. Amo comprar. Meio shopaholic mesmo, mas adoro uma barganha então sempre encontro coisas lindas pelo melhor preço. Trabalho desde os 13 anos de idade. Gosto de ter meu dinheirinho na mão pra gastar com qualquer coisa e não ser julgada (grande preocupação da nossa geração).

Tudo isso que mencionei até agora é bem superficial. Relativamente fútil, porém totalmente necessário hoje em dia. Faz parte. Mas já sofri, e vou falar das formas que eu acredito que possam te ajudar a superar e utilizar de forma produtiva esses sofrimentos ou acontecimentos parecidos. Também tem coisas que ainda estou aprendendo, mas essa de ser adulto, é a mais difícil, e eu acho que você me entende. To aqui pra aprender também. Ao por tudo isso no "papel" e elaborar esses momentos da vida moderna e de maioridade, recebo muitos conselhos que levarei pra vida e comparo muito com minhas amigas os momentos que estamos passando. Espero que isso tudo possa te ajudar também. As vezes sinto que simplesmente sobrevivi até agora, mas quando olho pro meu passado, incluindo o dia de ontem eu sinto que cada vez mais eu vivi. E não quero regressar. Decidi que tudo de bom e ruim que acontece comigo me serviu de lição e não existe essa de merecer ou não, mas o que fazemos com o que a vida joga pra nós é uma das coisas que mais modifica nossa trajetória.

Já trabalhei em N lugares diferentes, mas não estou com vontade de escrever meu currículo aqui. Só queria mencionar rapidamente que para ganhar experiência tem que se jogar mesmo. Falar sim pra vida e de repente você se vê com mais oportunidades do que esperava. Começa em qualquer lugar, almeje crescer e duvido que não alcance seus objetivos. Sou rata de livros de autoajuda. Talvez esse seja mais um. Acho que estou escrevendo mais até pra ser uma autoajuda própria ( isso fez sentido? ) mas gosto demais de compartilhar meus pensamentos então to aqui pra ver se ajuda os outros também. Acredito muito na capacidade do ser humano. Acredito muito nas pessoas. Amo pessoas. Até as chatas, irritantes e vacas ( vou falar sobre as pessoas que considero vacas no sentido beeeem pejorativo da palavra ). Essas pessoas acrescem na minha vida conhecimento do que eu não quero. Não quero ser, nem fazer, nem conviver.

To solteira nesse momento mas vivo apaixonada.  Mas pelo jeito todo mundo é assim, só que tem gente que admite e outros que não, muitos que evitam e outros que propagam demais. Mas amor é algo que eu talvez nunca entenda mas eu cheguei a uma conclusão ao jantar com uma amiga numa tarde nublada de domingo. Felicidade de verdade raramente vem através de formas convencionais. O que seriam formas convencionais? Coisa de filme de Hollywood. Sim. Disney e Halmark são culpadas por iludir pessoas a viverem vidas amorosas não plenamente felizes por causa de regras e situações predefinidas por pessoas "normais" que só vivem sonhando e fazendo outros acreditarem que é só assim que deve ser. Todo mundo é estereotipado e colocado numa caixinha e nada disso pode acontecer de outra forma se não não da certo. Minha pergunta principal é " Quem disse?". Pois é.

Vou abordar todos esses assuntos mostrando toda minha raiva e paixão. Espero que voce ria, chore, e compartilhe também tudo que passa diariamente pra chegar viva aos 21. Estamos no mesmo barco...acredite em mim. E to aqui pra ajudar e ser ajudada. Não vejo a hora de tomar um café e ouvir tudo que tem pra dizer sobre isso.

Obrigada por entrar nessa viagem comigo... 3,2,1 e já!